I went into the local Walmart last night and saw the Robitussin To Go near the register at checkout. I knew their was a new coupon for $1.25 off Any 1 Robitussin. I did not have it with me. I will go back later and pick them up but here is what you can do.
Buy (1) Robitussin To Go @ 99¢
Use (1) $1.25/1 coupon for Any Robitussin Product
= $MONEY MAKER by 26¢ each!
which is the local walmart to you?
Beth – Is in Orange City Florida and I’m on the Eastern Shore of MD – We can’t seem to find the R to go over here but you may have better luck depending on where you live.
a good deal addiitional information along with this kind of concern online on a website, notice.
Too bad, I’ve seen a post like this before and I have searched the Easton Wal Mart and couldn’t find them. When I saw this I sent my fiance to Easton Wal Mart yesterday to get them and he couldn’t find them so he asked and they checked and said they don’t carry it. Too bad we I couldn’t mail Beth my coupons and her pick them up for me 🙁