I like to post this once a year so parents can remember to look up their zip code and that of their day care providers on the sex offender registry. It is a completely free service on line. Last year was the 1st time I’ve ever posted it and if you’re think there are no creeps out there think again and list to this story. Last year when I posted this article the title was Free Sex Offender Registry and guess what happened. The traffic to my blog doubled within a week. I went into my Google analytics and Google had made a mistake and my blog was raking for the Google search terms “Free Sex” all of a sudden. So if you think there aren’t any creeps guess again. It took them about 2 weeks to straighten that out so now my title is NOT the same.
So, have you checked the sex offender registry lately to see if any registered sex offenders live near you? Your child’s favorite playground? Your School? Church? Your favorite grocery store? Its FREE to do!
All you have to do is enter your zip code and a map will come up of your area. If you see green boxes on the map you have a registered sex offender in your area! Just click on that green box and then you can view their mug shot and the nature of the sexual offense. Stay informed about your local areas. The registry says 52% of offenders commit another offense! WOW! That is a seriously high number and a bit scary!
I’d like to know on Facebook or in the comments at the bottom of this post. What were the results for your area? Were you surprised? Will you change anything you do? Will you shop at a different place? Share your thoughts with us!
I’m Maggie and I’m a family, frugal living expert. I’d be honored if you’d follow me on Pinterest. I write articles about how to take a Walt Disney World Vacation on a Tight Budget, I offer grocery store matchups and original recipes and giveaways. All you have to do is click on any category in the right side bar.
I think it fair to point out that there may be people on that list that went pee in a park late at night (when no kids would have been around) but are now required to be on that list for several years to life. Or they may have snapped the bra or pinched a bottom of a co-worker. While not appropriate, this does not a rapist or child molester make. And let’s face it, that is the first thing most of us think when we see the word sex offender. Now, I am all for this list when someone is convicted of touching a child or raping, but I think we need to all be aware that not every person on that list is an actual pervert to be feared.
There are more pedophiles out there than you want to believe Sam. Snapping a woman’s bra or touching her bottom unwanted is NOT ok. I have never heard of anyone being put on a list for peeing in a park. Rationalizations like yours are what allow too many people to get away with molesting children. I’m tired of criminals having more rights than victims. Protect our kids!