Hi! This is a sneak peak at some of the coupons you may (or may not) receive in your Sunday Coupon inserts. Be sure to check for all inserts before you leave the store if you are purchasing a Sunday newspaper – Some readers have reported being “burned” when they arrived home to find the coupon inserts has been stolen from their Sunday paper (bummer!). In case you didn’t know this, coupons may sometimes be regional. What does that mean? It means you may or may not get that particular coupon and sometimes it may have a different value. I receive the Baltimore Sun, Washington Post and Capital each week. Use this as a guide as to what you can expect!
Link to ALL YOU Magazine – a great source of high value coupons every month (I highly suggest purchasing!)
If you are getting good at couponing and you want to increase your savings watch this video here.
Some readers have e-mailed that they’d like more coupons for certain items…. Click here to buy coupons for just about anything! You can buy whole weekend inserts or just specific high value coupons.
Keep couponing~ It will change your life!
Highlights only (there are more coupons than listed here)
Red Plum:
Gain Fabric Softener $1.00 (these are $1.87 for the 40 count package at Walmart so just 87¢ with coupon!)
$2.00 Preference L’Oreal
75¢ off Keebler Granola Fudge Bar 6 count package
70¢ Kellogg’s cereals Fiber plus, Frosted Mini Wheats etc (several other listed too)
Smart Source:
50¢ Golden Grahams, Lucky Charms, Chex Mix, Milk N Cereal Bars (worth $1.00 if your grocer doubles)
50¢ Bugles (worth $1.00 if your grocer doubles)
$4.00 Wir wick Freshmatic ultra starter kit or Compact starter kit
$1.50 Smart Bal Milk
50¢ St. Ives Body Wash
$2.00 Bio True solution (for eyes – contact lens)
55¢ Shout (trial size wipes are just 97¢ so really cheap with this coupon)
$2.00 Raid Earth options spray (Are ants invading your house this summer?)
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