Click here for a sneak peak at specific coupon inserts in your newspaper for Sunday March 27th. Which coupons are you excited to see?
If you are new to couponing here is an easy to follow Couponing 101 Video to get you started.
Link to ALL YOU Magazine – a great source of high value coupons every month (I highly suggest purchasing!)
If you are getting good at couponing and you want to increase your savings watch this video here.
Some readers have e-mailed that they’d like more coupons for certain items…. Click here to buy coupons for just about anything! You can buy whole weekend inserts or just specific high value coupons.
Keep couponing~ It will change your life!
Update: Be sure your Sunday March 27th newspaper has 3 inserts: 2 Smart Source and 1 Red Plum
Here are the freebies that I see;
$0.50 off 1 Carefree feminine product – No size restrictions! Should be about 99¢ at places like Walmart so close to FREE with coupon
$1.00 off 1 Degree Mens Deodorant – No size restriction! These are 97¢ for the travel/trial size at Target so FREE with coupon
$1.00 off 1 Vaseline Lotion. No Size Restrictions. These are $1.00 in the trial sections of CVS & Rite-Aid.
There are 3 buy 1 get 1 FREE coupons – 1 for candy(Buy 2 get 1 FREE), 1 for acne care, 1 for Axe (tween products for boys)
Build a Bear released a nice coupon for $10.00 off a $30.00 or more Build a Bear and a FREE Easter basket with any bear valued $20.00 or higher.
And…. I’m sure we’ll find lots of match ups for the rest of the great coupons this week!
I have some more additions to the ACME and SuperFresh sales valid through Thursday. They will go out in a new post. The Safeway mini Sunday sale will go out Sunday morning.
If you are planning to take advantage of the Disney movie Tangled Rebate with the Success Rice, you’ll be happy to know that there is a coupon for the rice for $1.00 off 2 packages.
Was the Proctor and gamble coupons suppose to come out today? If so where are they. They where not in the paper i got.
Hi Carie, this week it was only to be the 2 Smartsources and 1 Redplum. Next week (4/03) you will see a P&G. Maggie puts the Coupon Preview up ever week, just click on that to see what is coming out. Now Carie I will say sometimes we do get little surprises that they do not tell us about so remember that ok. Thanks and Keep Couponing!