Walmart has just come out with a new coupon policy!!!! This is BIG NEWS and I’m super excited about it! I think this is a HUGE improvement! I’m most excited over the coupon acceptance policy that now completely approves and accepts COUPON OVERAGE! This is big! I have always received overage at my local Walmart but many other reader have not been. Now you will!!! There is also another line about accepting competitors coupons and catalina coupons from competitors stores!!! Can you believe it! Click here to read the new policy and I urge you to print it out and keep it with you when you shop at Walmart. Walmart is not known for explaining things or keeping cashiers and managers involved so you may possible run into cashiers that don’t even know there is a new coupon policy! Beth just had a chat with management last week at her local Walmart.
Here is a cut and paste from the site! (Amy you said your Walmart won’t give your overage – well now they have to!!! Yes!)
Walmart Coupon Policy
Walmart accepts the following types of coupons (see guidelines below):
- Manufacturers’ coupons
- Print-at-home internet coupons
- Must be legible, have “Manufacturer Coupon” printed on them, have a valid remit address for the manufacturer, valid expiration date, and have a scannable bar code.
- Competitors’ coupons that feature a specific item for a specified price
- for example, $2.99
- Soft drink container caps
- Checkout coupons
- (also called “Catalinas”) that are printed at our competitors’ registers, have “Manufacturer Coupon” with specific requirements printed on them, a valid remit address for the manufacturer, valid expiration date, and a scannable bar code.
Walmart does not accept the following coupons:
- Print-at-home Internet coupons that require no purchase
- Competitors’ coupons for dollars/cents or percentage off, buy one get one free, and double- or triple-value coupons
The following are guidelines and limitations:
- Only one coupon per item is permitted.
- Coupons must have an expiration date and be redeemed prior to expiration.
- Coupons may exceed the price of the item. Change may be given or applied toward the cost of the basket purchase.
- Walmart only accepts coupons for merchandise that we sell.
- Coupons must be presented at the time of purchase.
- We accept the following with Customer Service Supervisor/Management approval:
- 40 or more coupons
- Any coupon over $20
- $50 or more in coupons in one transaction
So no blinkys because the don’t say manufacture coupons #635 walmart can where so rude about even said the smart source machine coupons where fake