The Annapolis Mall is now the Westfield Mall and many other malls across the United States have been taken over by Westfield. Click here to sign up with Westfield Malls and get coupons for shopping and learn about specials sales etc. All of my Maryland readers should definitely be signing up (FREE sign up) right now so you have plenty of coupons and shopping options BEFORE the holidays are here. This is a great offer!
Did anyone have luck with the link provided? I tried to sign up but when I clicked submit it kept saying I didn’t select a shopping center?
I e-mailed them – I had the same issue so I signed up for a mall other than Annapolis thinking the sales and stores are likely the same. If they get back with me on the link for Annapolis I’ll get back with you and post but for now I’d sign up with a different shopping mall to get the coupons coming. That is what I did