Have you ever wondered how some of these savvy shoppers know what is on sale each month and what is on clearance so you can stock up on the cheapest sale items? Well I have the answer….
January is known for diet foods and exercising with all of the consumer that make New Year’s resolutions to live a healthier life or get rid of those extra pounds. With that you can expect tons of coupons on diet & health foods and discount sales on exercise equipment. You’ll also find business such as gyms, weight watchers, YMCA, & YWCA all offering discounts to get your business. My local “Y” is currently offering a “no fee registration” and I believe Weight Watchers is offering a special too!
The next big push you’ll find is going to be for the Super Bowl. Super Bowl parties are trending BIG. People love the sport and who doesn’t like a good party right? So you can expect sales on soda, chips, sandwich foods, crackers and items for hot wings – an all American favorite for football parties. We have a category dedicated in our side bar for Super Bowl parties! Be sure to check it out.
Christmas clearance is HOT right now. Most Targets and Walmarts have moved to 70% to 90% clearance so now is a GREAT time to shop. I’ve even found some GREAT online clearance deals. I have a category dedicated to after Christmas clearance so be sure to check it out! Now is a great time to pick up generic colors for cheap wrapping paper that you can use all year as well as gifts for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and end of year teacher gifts!
You’ll also find some nice deals on cold and flu products. You can never have enough of this on hand! If you’re caught “needing” an item (like when you have a sick kid in the middle of the night) you’ll be willing to pay full price for a product. Don’t wait. Get your coupons ready now and buy on sale so you are ready for the unexpected!
Thanks for the finds .