Think about picking up things on the after clearance sales. Here are some ideas for which you may need a gift over the next year;
- End of school year gift for teachers
- Easter present
- wedding gift
- house warming
- graduation present
- engagement party
- thank you gifts
- Mother’s Day (perfume gift sets on clearance!)
- Father’s Day!
Remember, if you wait until you “need” a gift you’ll be willing to pay full price so you really need to plan ahead (break old habits) in order to save all year long! My son is graduating in 2012 and we’re planning a party for him and since his favorite color is red we’ve decided to go with a red them and I’m headed out to shop today for party supplies from the after Christmas Clearance sales that are red and could be used for a graduation party and won’t seem like I’m throwing an after Christmas party. Stay tuned for a video on what I find!
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