Now call me “Old School” if you want, but I remember the days of sneaking in my older brothers room and reading the latest issue of Conan the Barbarian, Superman, Spiderman & the Hulk to name a few. I Lovedthose comic books. Years ago you had to get them at the Five & Dime store. Now they have stores that sell nothing but comic books. It’s amazing to me. In my web journey today, I came across these deals for you. If you have someone that loves comic books, this is a GREAT deal to add to their collection.
Classic Looney Tunes Comics you get 9 comics for $2.99 WOW!! 1 comic book can cost you more than that!!
Star Trek-Movie comic book on DVD Rom.. for only $2.99!! I think that is awesome that technology has allowed us to do the things we can now.
ArchieBronze Age series at 80% off regular price NOW $3.99!!
Jughead Bronze Age series for only $2.99. These prices are amazing!!
Betty and Veronica Bronze Age series 80% off NOW only $3.99
How many times have we as parents purchased games that we weren’t quit sure of… I have several times. These series are what we grew up on they are clean and not “rated” because they don’t need to be.
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