Save $5.00 off Enfamil Baby Formula with this coupon. Formula is hugely expensive but necessary and I like to see high value coupons like this one for Enfamil! Each computer should be able to print out 2 coupons so if you’re having to buy formula each week, try to print these coupons from your mom or sister’s computer (or maybe even work) too!
I fed formula to 2 of my 4 children and I really liked Enfamil formula. Its really hard to work and breast feed and I know 2 people that never produced enough milk to breastfeed a baby. Plus… formula allows the other parent to take a bigger part in care for baby giving the other parent more of a break. 😉
Don’t forget to check out our other Enfamil coupons and posts. If you need any baby diapers then make sure you check out those posts too. We update as soon as new coupons are released!
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