Celsius mailed this great cooler packed full of their calorie burning drink beverages and some Celsius powder drink mix you pour into your bottled water too. I’d like to g
ive this away randomly to one lucky reader! Just post on the Family Frugal Fun Facebook wall why you like this blog and why you want this cooler full of Celcius.
I e-mailed the company last week asking about coupons for my upcoming seminar and because Celsius was on sale at Walgreens and I was looking for coupons. This cooler is what they sent to me. No coupons unfortunately. There was also a booklet outlining all of the research that went into the making of Celsius. I had no idea it was clinically proven to assist in weight loss! Pretty nice huh?
Note: I’m also going to put a little “surprise” in the box with the cooler before I mail it out to you!
I love your website. Being a single mother, the info that you share is like having an angel watching over us. I have struggled with my weight since childhood. I failed miserably at my New Years Resolution last year to lose weight, so 2011 is a new start for me. I need to to this for my daughter and for myself. The Celius package would be a great help in my journey. Thanks for all you do and share!
Can you please enter on our Facebook wall as noted in the post so that we can keep everything fair. Thanks so much and we wish you well! Keep couponing!