Here are the match ups for Giant Foods. My store doubles up to 99¢ so a coupon with a value of 75¢ is equal to $1.50. Giant will only double 4 like coupons and then the 5th coupons is at face value so if you plan to stock up go through the line twice! Click here to read the Gaint Store shopping Guide. Remember… the accept competitors coupons! And…Giant allows price matching so if you’re shopping with Giant you don’t need to go to any other grocery stores to get additional sale – Just bring in the sale circular from the other store and they’ll price match as long as its an identical item. It will save you time.
Lovin’ that egg deal! Picked some up tonight. I also did Yoplait – I had a .40/6 IP and a $1/10 from one of the inserts