Well since it’s not secret that I LOVE s’more and Hershey’s chocolate I made some Halloween s’mores yesterday. I know….. you’re surprised, right? These took just minutes to make and they were a HUGE hit in my family. I think they’d be perfect if you were trying to think of kids Halloween party ideas. Don’t you?
Here’s what you need to make Halloween s’mores;
- marshmallow ghost peeps
- graham crackers
- Hershey’s chocolate bars (for melting – you can use chocolate chips or whatever Hershey’s choc you like – I’m just a Hershey’s finatic ☺)
- Candy sticks
Now, I like a flat candy stick (as opposed to round) for these because I think it gives it just the amount of stability it needs. Place your candy stick into the ghost peep.
Now melt your chocolate (add a little tiny bit of oil to keep it nice and smooth but just a pinch) and dip your ghost peep into the chocolate
You wanna cover the back and sides – as you’ll need it heavy on the back side to be sure it sticks to the graham cracker
Now place it right on your graham cracker then let it sit on Reynolds Parchment paper to set. enjoy!
Great idea!