Walgreens has now joined in with House Party to promote their new product line called Nice! We have posted several House Parties and several of our readers have been chosen for House Parties. They are now taking applications for the Walgreens Nice! House Party… It’s really simple how this works You’ll have a party featuring the companies product. They send you all the food and supplies you will need to have the party – FREE. They will also send you goodies for being the host!! It sounds like a lot of fun & I wish they had this idea because it is right down my alley .. Here is what the site has to say about Walgreens Nice! House Party and I REALLY want one of our readers to WIN this!! Good Luck..
Your Party Pack will contain;
- Oatmeal cookie recipe item basics including Nice! Quick Oats, Raisins, Baking Soda and Cinnamon
- Nice! Zipper-Seal Storage Bags for each party
- Nice! Traditional Snack Mix and Nice! Microwave Popcorn for every party
- Nice! Trail Mix and Natural Almonds single-serve snacks for every partygoer
- Nice! sturdy party cup for all party-goers
- Flower Seed packet for every party
- Nice! Shopping Tote for the host
- Nice! Shopping List Pad for all party-goers
- Nice! coupons for all party-goers
I was chosen for this party and cannot wait to host it! 😀
Will you please take picts and post them for us on Facebook???