This high value Huggies Snug & Dry printable coupon is still available for print.
Huggies coupons make for a nice value on a great brand and who doesn’t need to save on baby supplies right? My cousin is pregnant and I’m heading to her shower in 3 weeks and I think instead of buying some cute baby clothes that will be outgrown in a few weeks (although I do LOVE shopping for babies) I’ve decided that I’m going “practical” and going with a case of diapers and this coupon will make a great savings!
Click here to print a Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers Coupon
I know sometimes it isn’t convenient to get out to the store with little ones and everyone needs to save on diapers! You may want to consider purchasing on line here. Amazon
offers subscribe and save where you get a discount if you agree to order again anytime within the next 6 months. You can cancel at anytime without calling anyone. You just click the cancel on your computer. I’ve used subscribe and save myself and it does save quite a bit and I’ve never had difficulty cancelling. Obviously Amazon
knows you won’t need diapers forever! ☺
There is another way to get HUGE discounts from Amazon – TheAmazon’s Mom Club. You’ll get;
- 20% off diapers
- free 2 day shipping
- Exclusive sales & discount
Are you living a frugal life? Watch my videos on how to reuse containers or how to may your own (DIY) Sugar Scrub for just pennies! Really!
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