If you are looking for a good nutritious cat food then you’ll definitely want to check out Blue Buffalo Cat Food and snag this $3.00 off cat food printable coupon. All you’ll need to do after you click on the link is go to “Compare Your Brand” and then you’ll compare cat foods and you can then decide if this is the best natural cat food for your furry friend and get your coupon.
We’ve dedicated a category to free cat food coupons on our blog so you can keep your pet and save money too. Blue Buffalo is a good holistic natural cat food. We just tried Blue Buffalo for our dog, Myia, and found that the neighborhood cat eating dog food! Hmmmmm – haven’t figured out what to do about that one yet (other than just feed the dog indoors but she’s kinda messy ;)).
Don’t feel like waiting for a coupon and taking it to the store? Buy Blue Buffalo cat food on line here.
The link does not bring you to a place where you can get a printable coupon as stated. It brings you to the Blue Buffalo site and you have tyo register your cat and give other info to receive a coupon by mail. This is misleading.