Looking for some Superbowl party food ideas? Try these easy and delicious HOT baked sandwiches!
These take only about 5 minutes of prep time and tastes absolutely delicious once that pepperoni and cheese melt into your bread. Mmmmm…. I took photos so you could follow the easy process and makes your own baked sandwich either for football playoff parties or if you’re geting ready for the biggest and best party of the year – SUPERBOWL!! Its really important to have the correct lunch meats for the sandwich and a good roll. I used the Pepperidge Farm Artisan Rolls found in the bread/bakery aisle but if you can’t find these talk to your bakery about their take and bake breads. You can always use a good quality loaf bread too. If you buy a cheap bread or roll the results won’t be the same. The Pepperidge Farm Artisan Rolls run approximately $2.99 to $3.99.
Here are the meats you’ll need:
- Capicola Ham (or another kind of spicy ham but Capicola is best)
- Thin sliced sandwich Pepperoni (sold in your grocery store’s deli)
- Turkey (oven roasted or bacon lovers or fried)
- Mozzerella Cheese sliced
Step one slice square bread in half and add mozzerella cheese (the cheese melts into the bread which helps give the baked sandwich the delicious taste)
Add Pepperoni (the oils from the pepperoni go into the bread and other meats which help give the baked sandwich a little spice and taste)
Add Ham
Add Turkey (and bacon if you like for bacon lovers – see how to Bake Bacon here)
Add another thin layer Pepperoni
Top with slice of Mozerella Cheese (again to melt into the bread)
Bake at 350 degrees about 6 to to 10 minutes until cheese is melting and bread is just starting to crust slightly. Enjoy! These are delicios!
I’m Maggie and I love the Superbowl. Many say it’s the best party of the year. Check out my other Superbowl Party tip ideas on video! Oh and you can subscribe with the other 2,700 subscribers to my YouTube Chanel too! Much appreciated! ☺
Great idea! We are doing a party at the nZone for teens and this seems like an easy and great thing to make and that the teens would like. Thanks!