Save with this Swanson broth or stock printable coupon for 50¢ off any 2 cartons! Swanson broth has no MSG’s added – nice feature in today’s world! Most broths include hydrolyzed wheat gluten AND MSG but Swanson broth is gluten FREE! Swanson unslated broth is a great option for low sodium cooking too!
Hey! You used to post weekly match ups for local sales and coupons … what happened? Ths web ste used to be a whole lot more helpful to the “little person” now it seems all comercial – are you going to back to the match ups??? PLEASE!!!
Hey Terry! Its Maggie from Family Frugal Fun…. I saw your comment and I wanted to get back with you. Last week we were experiencing problems and the Safeway posts threw off the format of the site and made the sidebar disappear. Never could figure it out so we decided to trash the post. A few more glitches we’re still working on with the way the new site works. We have dropped Rite Aid. A match up for a store takes anywhere from about 3 hrs to up to 5 hours if there are lots of bonus sales etc. They’re hugely time consuming so Rite Aid was the one we dropped. Safeway has already been posted earlier today and ACME is 90% done and I’m working on Giant tonight. CVS and Walgreens were posted on the weekend as usual.
Let me know specifically your thoughts, likes and dislikes and I’l see what I can do and also just because feedback is always so helpful!
Keep couponing! Terry I also send a personal email to you and included my number so we can discuss your ideas! Maggie